A Resource for Families Searching for Answers Concerning the Wise Stewardship of Life.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
JRR Tolkien on the Purpose of Life
“...the chief purpose of life, for any one of us, is to increase according to our capacity our knowledge of God by all the means we have, and to be moved by it to praise and thanks. To do as we say in the Gloria in Excelsis: ...We praise you, we call you holy, we worship you, we proclaim your glory, we thank you for the greatness of your splendour.” —JRR Tolkien (OH)
Life is difficult. And it's no fun wrestling with big questions concerning life, money, calling, media, culture and possessions without the assistance of a community of like minded friends. This blog is a world view resource and forum for those, who like me, are searching for wisdom. Hopefully we will learn together. Feel free to add your two cents or resources you find that should be shared.
Tom Grimm has consulted as family wealth advisor for more than 15 years concerning the opportunities and challenges of wealth. His unique history and perspective on wealth make him a valuable advisor to families whether a young family who desires wisdom in how to plan for the future or someone struggling with the Weight of a fortune. Please use the information on this blog as a tool to navigate the joys and peril that come with wealth. Tom can also be reached at 615-310-0637.
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