Sunday, March 29, 2009


I'm working on an exciting new project with a couple of clients Steve Taylor and Dan Raines.

A recent review said the following: Gabe Lyons, author of UnChristian

Blue Like Jazz portrays a vivid tension between Christianity and the world that is. I thought it was fantastic. It was hard to swallow some the direct obligations towards Christianity – they are so true though. The times of hope and resolve allowed me to emotionally connect to the character of Don.

I laughed out loud and swallowed hard at times when reading through the script. The story touched on every single issue that outsiders have with Christianity (Judgmental, Hypocritical, Antihomosexual, Sheltered, Too Political, and Proselytizing based on the research of unChristian). It’s an emotional ride that brought me to an ending that gave me much hope and confidence in (1) Being Christian (2) The story I am developing with God on a personal level and (3) Jesus.

The Evangelical viewer is going to come face to face with some tough criticisms. However, the honest Christian is going to come away feeling refreshed. The cultural elite are going to laugh at the cynicism and debate that takes place during the Reed College scenes and they will appreciate the genuine tension that Don has with God. Your Juno fans are going to love the the witty dialogue, emotional connection to each character and who they represent. They will also love the scenes dealing with rabbits, the Pope, condoms, college parties, and the journey Don is on. The dialogue comes off as very genuine, even when reading it. Conservative Christians are going to have the hardest time with it – but it is a necessary affliction they need to feel. The postmodern crowd of Christianity is going to rave about it. Since the story is about a guy who is in college your college students will love it on so many different levels, especially, the character development of Don. I think majority of criticisms will come from your extreme conservative and your extreme liberal – However, majority of the world rides the fence.

I can’t wait to see the motion picture.”

Friday, March 27, 2009

Help Me Please

These pictures are from my friend Josh MacLeod's trip to Darfur Sudan LAST WEEK, March 2009. Watch this video to see the beautiful faces of those effected by the genocide in Darfur. If you watch this video, be prepared to take action, ... I am committing to help put in a well in a southern Darfur camp if you want to help ask me how. If 380 friends on my Facebook list commit $40.00 and thousands will have clean water in the name of Christ. Will you join me? Checks made to:

Persecution Project Foundation
c/o 125 Greystone Drive
Franklin, TN 37069

I'll make it happen and post results on this blog! Blessings

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Morning Quote

"The significant problems we face in life
cannot be solved at the same level of thinking
we were at when we created them."
Albert Einstein

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Necessary Roadblocks

Have you ever wondered why so many times things just don't go the way you wish? I have. More than a thousand times I would guess! Yet for the man or woman loved by God could the hindrance be a "Providential hindrance"?

From my reading of scripture God of the Universe is sovereign and mindful of our needs. That said, it is hard to explain so many things. But for the man I met who was stopped in traffic and made late for his meetings on the 42nd floor of the Trade Centers of New York on September 11 that 'hindrance', which he saw before the towers were hit as a 'roadblock' ended for his good.

Perhaps we need more of the mind of God to understand our days and what appear to be "roadblocks"? I know that today I have seen at least four unplanned, and one very difficult, experiences in my own life...yet I am confident they were not without reason. Just thinking.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick Celebration

The Real St. Patrick
Ted Olsen | posted 8/08/2008 12:33PM

'Tis the season for parades, green beer, shamrocks, and articles talking about why St. Patrick's day isn't all about parades, green beer, and shamrocks.

First, a few misconceptions about Patrick:

Patrick isn't really a Saint with a capital S, having never been officially canonized by Rome. And Patrick couldn't have driven the snakes out of Ireland because there were never any snakes there to begin with. He wasn't even the first evangelist to Ireland (Palladius had been sent in 431,about five years before Patrick went). Patrick isn't even Irish. He's from what's now Dumbarton, Scotland (just northwest of Glasgow).

Patrick was 16 years old in about the year 405, when he was captured in a raid and became a slave in what was still radically pagan Ireland. Far from home, he clung to the religion he had ignored as a teenager. Even though his grandfather had been a priest, and his father a town councilor, Patrick "knew not the true God." But forced to tend his master's sheep in Ireland, he spent his six years of bondage mainly in prayer. He escaped at the suggestion of a dream and returned home.

Patrick was in his mid-40s when he returned to Ireland.Palladius had not been very successful in his mission, and the returning former slave replaced him. Intimately familiar with the Irish clan system (his former master, Milchu, had been a chieftain), Patrick's strategy was to convert chiefs first, who would then convert their clans through their influence. Reportedly, Milchu was one of his earliest converts.

Though he was not solely responsible for converting the island, Patrick was quite successful. He made missionary journeys all over Ireland, and it soon became known as one of Europe's Christian centers. This, of course, was very important to fifth-century Christians, for whom Ireland was one of the "ends of the earth."

Find out more about Patrick in CH issue 60: Celtic Christianity.

Patrick's Confesio, his only authentic literary remains, is great reading and available online at

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Why You Should NOT Get Your Financial Information From CNBC or Any Other Celebrity

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Culture as it Is

I've been thinking a lot lately about how influenced we are by what we see in media. Many of us work hard to be 'in the world but not of it', yet, try as we may, we cannot escape the influence of those around us and what we witness in print and film media. There are calculated reasons companies are willing to spend millions of dollars to have product placements on television and in movies.

Are any of us immune from the influence of media? My answer is no. In light of this how should the follower of Jesus 'think' about the influence media has on us and our culture? In contemplating 'culture' it is apparent my vision and understanding has been underdeveloped and naive. People speak of "changing culture" or "culture wars" but which culture? In our world there are many 'cultures'.

May I suggest that Plan A would be to begin 'changing culture' by understanding the one in which you live your day? This 'culture' would be what is your 'cultural sphere'. Various cultural spheres overlap but by far family is culture at its smallest and most powerful.

What is your 'family culture'? Is it one that if magnified into the larger culture would make the world a better place? I'm challenged by this because we ARE creating culture! Our families will go out into the world and make their own culture - today. This is not an insignificant thought. Sunday last we took OUR culture with us to church and this morning our children took OUR culture with them to school. Is the world a better and more loving, kind and generous place because of how we act before and in the world - today? These are good and thoughtful questions - and very challenging!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009